The scientific name is Tuber Magnatum Pico, namely “tycoons”.
It has an unconfoundable and unique strong scent. You can find it from late summer until early winter. The white truffle has an irregular shape, its size is generally large, at around from 10 to 400 grams. Exceptionally even higher than 1 kg. One of the largest fresh truffles.
Peridium: smooth, pale yellow, sometimes with a greenish or yellow-ocher hue.
Glebe: yellowish, with a hazel or brown hue, sometimes with red specks, crossed by a dense network of very thin white veins.
Shape: can be roundish or even very lobed, or definitely mashed, depending on the type of soil in which the truffle has raised.
Dimensions: this specie is very variable in size, with specimens that can reach several hectograms, and even exceed 1kg.
Maturation period: from September to December.